Probably The Secret Police and Other Slices eBook



Probably The Secret Police and Other Slices eBook

Probably The Secret Police and Other Slices eBook. For lovers of the comic and disturbing this selection of short pieces peers at a strange world, echoing with questions, that lies beyond the veil of everyday normality and plays host to a motley company of characters: a psychotic Santa, a good boy with an odd idea of “good”, a Cinderella with a vicious streak, among others – and, probably, the secret police…


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London Poetry Life

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Product Details

ISBN 9781911232087
Edition First
Published 03 February 2017
Language English
File Format ePub
File Size 45.25 KB

Formats for this Ebook

Required Software Any ePub Reader
Supported Devices Windows PC/PocketPC, Mac OS, Linux OS, Apple iPhone/iPod Touch…
# of Devices Unlimited
Flowing Text / Pages Flowing Text
Printable? Yes

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